The arithmetical average in be like average index and the definition that move peace to all count H are basic and formulary like can considering as. 如平均指标中的算术平均数与调和平均数H的定义基本公式可认为是一样的。
Displacement-type waviness tester could be used to effectively control vibration of finished bearings if both arithmetical average value of wave height and average slope of waveform are adopted to evaluate the waveform characteristics of the working surfaces of bearing elements. 位移型波纹度仪若同时采用波纹度高算术平均值和波形平均斜率来控制零件工作表面波形特征,则能有效地控制轴承成品的振动;
Consumers'perception degree, willingness to pay ( WTP) and related issues of HACCP certification in Beijing was investigated in this paper. The arithmetical average and econometric methods was used to estimate the consumers'WTP for HACCP certification of milk products. 调查了北京地区消费者对HACCP认证的认知程度、支付意愿(WTP)以及相关问题,并采用算术平均法和计量方法分别估算了消费者对奶制品的HACCP认证的WTP。
Normally the average of the sound pressure is based on arithmetical average. 声压平均一般基于算术平均算法,分析发现:在高频区误差较大。
It is demonstrated that the "validity" criterion of the theory of estimation in mathematical statistics ( named classic estimate later) isn't right and arithmetical average value x isn't the best estimate. 论证了数理统计中估计理论(以下称经典估计)的有效性准则不成立,算术平均值x不是最优估计量;
When aggregate surfaces were plated by aluminum film, measurement results accorded with real condition of surface texture. Finally, roughness of aggregates surface texture was evaluated quantitatively by arithmetical mean deviation and average wave length respectively. 通过对集料表面进行镀膜处理,使测量结果反映了集料表面纹理的真实情况,最后分别采用算术平均偏差和平均波长定量评价了集料表面纹理的粗糙度。